Hot for the Rent
Fridays at 8 PM, $5​
At the crossroads of the 405 and the 101, there is a dingy one-bedroom apartment populated with people who should not live together. Their landlord threatens to evict them at his whim. The only thing keeping them from all being homeless is performing at The Improv Space in Westwood. This is a cruel game of people's lives but you and our landlord get to just sit there and laugh.
Hot for the Rent is Corey Blake, Alex Knight, Katie Goldston, Dewey Cassaday, Phoebe Lim, Jane Wilson, and Cory Peter Lane.
Corey Blake is a comedic performer/actor/writer/internet person. Before arriving at TiS, he was a longtime member of the improv comedy ensemble The Magic Meathands, receiving training by Bill Johnson, David Razowsky, Mindy Sterling, Chris Ellis, and other experts in spontaneous funny. A pundit for comic books and graphic novels Corey blogs for blog Smash Pages. If this rambling block of text doesn't satisfy your curiosity, visit for more.
Alex Knight has been performing improv with various groups and theaters in New Mexico and Los Angeles since 2003. An experienced coach and director, he has taught improv in Uganda, Serbia, Poland and Ukraine. A member of the Screen Actors Guild since 2003, Alex has multiple film and television credits including Breaking Bad, Preacher and Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. He is happy to have found a home with Hot for the Rent at The Improv Space.
Katie Goldston is a writer, improviser, and reptile. Since moving to Los Angeles in 2015, she has taken classes at UCB and The Improv Space, and is thrilled to be performing with the MainStage team, Gayley Street Friday nights at 8pm. You can catch her around town with her indie team, Nevada Pajamas, or on a sunny rock warming her cold-blooded reptile body.
Rising up from humble beginnings as a Central Valley goat breeder, Dewey found his calling at the Improv Space, where he forced his way into the hearts and minds of his fellow performers by attending nearly every open jam. At UCLA, Dewey is heavily involved in the Shenanigans comedy club, performing improv and stand up and writing sketches. When not performing, Dewey can be found bombing at Open Mics across LA, playing Super Smash Bros, or back in Atwater, hanging out with his nephew, Colin.
​Phoebe Lim is proud to be an LA-bred actress, comedy writer, and improvisor who loves binging TV shows (who doesn't?), re-reading her favorite middle grade novels, and seeing the world just-a-sparkle differently. She has been studying at UCB LA, the Groundlings, and ImprovLA since 2013 and now performs with Hot for the Rent at The Improv Space every Friday at 8PM. Phoebe got her BA in Creative Writing from UCLA and expertly applies her education when tweeting awkward thoughts @phoe_b_lim.